Klamath Knot Permaculture
Permaculture is the design and creation of human habitat that mimics the complexity and resiliency of natural systems. The Klamath Knot is a uniquely diverse bioregion encompassing Northwestern California and Southwestern Oregon, defined by the Klamath River, the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains, and the Coast of Northern California and Southern Oregon. One of the most biologically complex temperate bioregions on the planet, it includes the coastal fog belt, hot interior canyons, and the most diverse conifer forests on the planet. Klamath Knot Permaculture is an affiliation of Permaculture practitioners, based at Sandy Bar Ranch on the Klamath River, and the north coast of Northern California, working to create resilent homes and communities by restoring watersheds and developing alternative technologies that reduce our carbon footprint. We sponsor ongoing events in Permaculture topics, including Permacuture Design Certification, natural building, sustainable farming, site analysis and design, water systems, mycoremediation and more.
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Time for Pruning & Grafting
Here is the handout from Mark DuPont's Grafting Demonstration/ Workshop.
Principles of Grafting and Budding - If you want the full scoop on grafting, the why as well as the how, then this chapter on grafting, posted by UC Davis, is a good, comprehensive overview of grafting principles and techniques.
Grafting and Propagating Fruit Trees - This pamphlet by Penn State boils it down to the basics of how to graft using a variety of techniques. ( Good photos, but most professional grafters use a different hold on the knife).
Grafting Fruit Trees - This is a useful Power Point presentation by Lloyd Collet of Oregon State University - nice photos of the step-by step processes involved in a variety of grafts.
Pruning Manual by Dan Lurie, Filoli Gardens Newsletter - This is the best pruning manual we've seen. Divided into three sections - Principles of Tree Growth, Training Young Trees, and Pruning Mature Trees, published in The Sundial, a newsletter of Filoli Gardens.
Pruning to Restore an Old, Neglected Apple Tree, by R. L. Stebbins and J. Olsen, Oregon State Univertity - This completes the manual above by showing how to restore an old tree that has not been pruned for years; (hint: it takes a few years). Follow this simpe, concise guide for good results.